Raspberry pi — sketchnote intro


Raspberry pi is a small sized (size of a credit-card), low cost computer that was first introduced in 2012. Since then performance and capacity of these tiny devices have improved a lot and currently it supports till 8GB RAM and till 1.8 GHz powerful Broadcom processor.

It has gained immense popularity over the years. 3rd best selling computer brand in the world. In 2019, over 30M Raspberry Pi computers were sold across the world.

Check out their official website for more details about the product, guides, learning resources and about volunteer-led free code clubs (9–13 year old)/coder dojo (7–17 years old).

How its used:-

  • Learn coding
  • Play games
  • Build electronics projects
  • Powerful raspberry pi’s (4 model B, model 400) can almost replace your desktop PC



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